In an earnings release, Bezos made special note of Amazon Prime, the$ 79-a-year loyalty reward program that has grown beyond offering two-day on products to include e-book borrowing and streaming access to some TV shows and movies. 贝佐斯在营收报告中特别提到了亚马逊Prime服务,这项忠诚用户回馈服务年费仅为79美元,已从网购产品两天送达发展到电子书借阅和电影电视剧流媒体服务。
Set the starting and ending dates for the release ( see Note), make sure that the check box for "A release is schedule for this iteration" is checked, and click OK. 设置发布的开始及终止时间(见注意),确保复选框“Areleaseisscheduleforthisiteration”被选中,然后点击OK。
Note that the setup instructions for the server have an omission ( see the Release Notes) in that you must add-Denable. jsdebugger= true as a JVM debug argument. 请注意服务器的设置说明中有一处遗漏(参阅ReleaseNotes),即必须添加-Denable.jsdebugger=true作为JVM调试参数。
The test reports shall be submitted for employer's review and issue of inspection release note, prior to despatch. 发货前,应将测试报告提交给业主,供其审查并签发检查发布说明。
The WHF also provides a media kit with radio script, launch press release, WHD key messages, diary note, and model letter for support. 世界心脏联盟也提供包含广播稿、活动通讯稿、世界心脏日的关键信息、日志以及赞助申请范文的媒体套餐。
The text of the press release that is going out this morning follows this note. 该新闻稿是今天上午发出去的连同说明,全文如下。
Although G1 is available for use in this release, note that production use of G1 is only permitted where a Java support contract has been purchased. 虽然G1已经发布,请注意对G1的生产环境使用必须购买Java支持合同才能获得授权。
Studies on the Absorption and Release Properties of Control-released Porous Starches of Forest Note Fragrance Compounds 多孔淀粉对森林浴香精的吸附及释放性能研究